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Home Maintenance
Auto Maintenance
Relocation & Delivery
How Fixeo works for you!
Instantly connects you with the right tradesmen for the right jobs at a right price
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Why Fixeo is best for you!
Instantly connects you with the right tradesmen for the right jobs at a right price
Quick &
Post the job free of charge in seconds
Reach multiple Fixers
Reach out to all the available Fixers in your area in one go
Get the most competitive quotes instantly
Negotiate and hire high-rated local Fixers directly
Payment on completion
No middleman, make payment directly upon completion of work
How Fixeo works for Fixers
Get your business inquiries directly on mobile phone, instantly connect with clients, fix the deal, get paid and reviewed.
Get job requests directly on your mobile
Quote the job and negotiate instantly with clients
Complete the job, get paid and reviewed
Be your own boss
Whether you are an independent expert or a technical services company, Fixeo has lined up the next job for you…
- No more hunting for new jobs: New inquiries instantly land on your mobile to pick the most attractive ones
- Grow your business: Increase your client base and income
- Flexible schedule: Chose to work full time or in your spare time
- Full payment to you*: Collect the full payment directly from the client after every successful job completion
*As an introductory offer, Fixeo is completely free for the Fixers till the further notice